Most of the things worth doing in life involve some level of sacrifice. If we desire to reap eternal rewards, we need to plant seeds that yield eternal fruit (Colossians 3:23-24, 1 Corinthians 15:58). Making these sacrifices and surrendering our plans to God are irreplaceable components of living a life filled with a purpose (Proverbs 19:21, Romans 8:28). Most things in life that are acquired effortlessly provide fleeting, instant gratification and are frequently dead-end roads (1 John 2:16). For instance, we may receive a momentary pleasure from sexual sin, but the price we pay for doing so is more significant than any of us can fathom. Not only does it fail to satisfy us the way only Jesus Christ can, as the appetites of the flesh are insatiable, but it also leads us to sin against God. Furthermore, we may jeopardize the timing of blessings that God is preparing us for, grieve the Holy Spirit, open the door for the devil to attack us, sin against our bodies, and sin against our souls as well (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).
If we stand firm and resist temptation instead, it is only a matter of time before we experience the relief of not having yielded to what we know is so harmful (James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:9). We should never compromise our standing with God for the sake of a few minutes of perceived pleasure in any sin. When we avoid sin, we can rest assured that we are abiding in God and relying on Him for the strength to persevere over our iniquity (John 15:1-8). Unfortunately, you and I have a limited amount of willpower. There is only so much self-control we can exert by ourselves. We compromise once it runs out, especially when our weaknesses trigger us. Some potential stumbling blocks include hunger, tiredness, frustration, loneliness, sadness, or other negative states of mind and emotions that could suddenly cause us to give way to our sinful nature (Galatians 5:17).
However, when we rely on God, He provides us with all the tools we need to crucify our flesh and abstain from sin (Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:13). While this sacrifice may seem extremely hard to make at times, it will be an incalculable upgrade compared to the pit of despair and regret that a lost battle brings with it (Romans 6:23). Therefore, we must thank God because even when we fail, His grace and mercy meet us at our lowest points to gently restore us and help us get back on the road to repentance as soon as possible (Hebrews 4:16, 1 John 1:9, 2 Chronicles 30:9).
The fruit of sacrifice is more of a blessing than any of us can quantify when it comes to avoiding sin. Obeying God’s Word will always be superior to giving in to the fool’s gold the devil uses to attempt to allure us. With all that said, there are many other areas where sacrifice can offer eternal rewards in Heaven and temporal ones on earth too. It’s not always easy to commit to serving God with your gifts, talents, time, and resources. But if we believe God at His Word, we know that the eternal impact of honoring Him with these things will always outweigh the measure of sacrifice related to doing so. In other words, our eternal return on investment will be greater than any of us can imagine (Matthew 19:29). We need to take steps towards God’s will in complete faith and surrender to make this a reality. We cannot please God without faith, and often that will be the exact fuel needed to initiate action for the sake of God’s glory (Hebrews 11:6).
Instead of serving ourselves and making choices based on personal advantage, it is critical to live for God and help others in the process (Philippians 2:3). If we truly love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, wouldn’t it also make sense for us to love the people He created (Matthew 22:36-40)? How can we claim to love God if we hate the people who He made in His image (Genesis 1:27)? I recognize that there are times in this world when we need to love ourselves and pursue things like rest, self-care, and leisure activities. However, such actions are not mutually exclusive with loving God and people. The Bible instructs us to love people as we would love ourselves.
At least one plausible reason exists to explain why God’s Word doesn’t ask us to love others more than ourselves. What good will you or I do if we neglect self-care to the point where we burn out? We need to familiarize ourselves with our limitations regarding stress tolerance and ability. It is also helpful to draw clear boundaries with family, friends, and even strangers that we should ensure are respected. If you over-exert and sideline yourself, you won’t be able to optimize serving God and maintaining your wellness physically, mentally, and spiritually. Typically we don’t drive our cars without following the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance. Why would it be any different with serving God? According to His example in Genesis, he wants us to rest at least one day per week, as He chose to do after creation (Genesis 2:2-3). It follows that He also wants us to pray. Otherwise, why would Jesus Christ have prayed to the Father (John 17:1-26)?
Ultimately, it is vital to make sacrifices within the scope of your capacity for God’s glory. Under these circumstances, it can be an opportunity for us to do our part as believers. There is no replacement for answering God’s call to walk in your purpose and abide in Him. In walking the path God has laid before each of us, we will experience difficulty, trouble, and sometimes even severe trials (John 16:33). However, He will always be with us when we need Him most. God will help us to navigate through the times when we have nothing left but to put our trust in Him. Furthermore, there is an indescribable sense of peace, joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction only God can provide His children (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 94:19). When you and I step out in faith and make sacrifices for Him, God allows us to experience all of these blessings throughout our lives.
May we bring God glory by fully committing our works to Him. After all, our ultimate purpose is to bring God glory (1 Peter 4:7-11). You and I can do this by fearing Him and obeying His commands (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). When we position ourselves to make this our daily practice, we will find true satisfaction, and rest assured we delight Him in the process (Psalm 112:1).
“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” – John Piper.