In this world, we can count on our circumstances to change. Everything ranging from our favorite restaurant’s menu to our most precious loved ones is subject to change. None of this comes as a surprise to God, nor should it alarm His people. Often these kinds of transitions arise for unforeseen reasons that may only make sense in retrospect. For example, God may allow something seemingly inexplicable to happen. We may be hard-pressed to find any redeeming value in it, but it could be the catalyst that sparks undeniable blessings in your life. It could be a health scare, financial burden, or even the loss of a loved one. These tragic issues may lead even the most faithful to seek answers (Job 38:1-41). God may provide us some solutions to those sorts of questions in this life, but it is vital to remember He owes none of us an explanation. Furthermore, we may not even discover a reason this side of eternity for such things that have transpired.
One possible consideration is that God might be preparing our character (Ephesians 2:10). Facing trials may put the kind of pressure on us that we have never dealt with before. When you and I find ourselves in a situation where we must confront such obstacles, God provokes us to step out in faith. Sure, we could choose to be angry at God, throw a pity party, and give up. However, God knows we can mourn the loss, draw nearer to Him, and rely on Him to overcome the seemingly impossible instead (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we never came across this kind of testing in life, we might come to a point where we are too comfortable (James 1:2-8). Extreme comfort can breed complacency and lack of purpose, neither of which we ought to desire. In these times, we need to take refuge under the shelter of our unchanging (Hebrews 13:8), omnipotent (Revelation 19:6), omniscient (Psalm 147:5), and omnipresent God (Psalm 91:1-4). We need to remember His promises to us and seek Him whole-heartedly (Jeremiah 29:13), knowing that He would not allow anything to transpire that didn’t work out for His eternal glory and our eternal good (Romans 8:28).
Sometimes the difficulty is far less dramatic but still substantial enough to lead us to our knees. Maybe your best friend since childhood moved away, or you had a rough week at work. Indeed, we could try to handle these issues on our strength, but why not bring them to God first? We should pray for wisdom and discernment when we have a significant decision, but we do not have an obvious answer. Life will throw us all curveballs. It is only a matter of time before we face the next one.
If we have faith in God, how can we justify not bringing such matters to His attention right away? He knew what was coming, when it was coming, and how it would transpire. It is up to us to recognize that while God is sovereign, He has divinely orchestrated everything to happen in a way that takes prayers and individual accountability into consideration. You and I should not be discouraged from seeking God simply because we know He has it all under control. Remember, God not only wants to further our relationship with Him through our sole Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5-6), Jesus Christ, but He also desires us to align with His will willingly. What better way to do that than to reach out to Him and share our concerns transparently?
There are instances where God calls us to shift in direction. Occasionally, friends may draw closer or further away. Alternatively, people might come or go from your life altogether. Perhaps, He might lead you to transition away from a workplace or close a door you assumed would be open forever. At times these kinds of adjustments may be pretty intimidating. Especially when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, facing unexpected tasks, and few allies we can trust whole-heartedly.
It makes sense for us to seek God first and foremost in all circumstances and every area, but nothing drives us quite as quickly to our knees as these kinds of issues. Thankfully, we can trust God and even validate His faithfulness to us in our shared history with Him. Most of us need not look back too far if we are paying attention to see how God has never let us down or forgotten us (Hebrews 13:5). He might have allowed certain things seem not to have gone our way from our finite perspective. However, if we knew what God knows in His infinite wisdom, we would most certainly recognize His reasoning. If we saw the vision, eternal value, and purpose He has for things, it would not even cross our minds to question Him.
We need to step into the faith zone with God continually. No matter where you are, what you are coping with, or how far you still have to go, God will remain unchanging in the life of a believer (James 1:17, Malachi 3:6). His Word is a timeless resource and will always remain a written testament to His glory. The same way He was faithful in the lives of our forefathers who came before, He will stay so with us. God is not in the business of letting us down, and all the things we think are setbacks in one form or another point to a greater purpose in His plans from an eternal vantage point. May we faithfully and humbly pursue His will to bring Him glory accordingly and remember that His ways are always superior to our own (1 Peter 4:7-11).