“30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise.”
Proverbs 11:30 (NKJV)
In our era, it is clear that many have turned away from God and Biblical principles as a whole. However, many likely did so without closely examining the substance of our faith. It is alarming how many have paid little attention to the Gospel. Only in Jesus Christ can we find salvation and eternal security in Heaven (John 14:6). Nevertheless, the fact that so many have turned away or initially rejected Christianity should not dissuade us from spreading God’s Word. If anything, it is fair to say, this ought to inspire us to be all the more proactive about reaching out to the lost.
Many of us overlook opportunities to talk about Jesus Christ with non-believers. There may be various reasons for this occurrence, likely varying from person to person. For instance, some may not be ashamed of Jesus Christ but might be afraid of rejection. Other believers might lose sight of the eternal value found in pursuing lost souls as God has commissioned us to do (Matthew 28:16-20). Finally, perhaps others find it intimidating because they do not feel adequately equipped to share an uncompromised reflection of doctrine as they reach out to non-believers.
While some of those concerns are worthy of consideration, if we genuinely embraced what was at stake combined with the scarcity of time, I think the bulk of us would go out of our way to evangelize more. There are seasons when I find myself passionately seeking divine appointments to be a vessel of God at a higher frequency than others. If I get physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained, I take a step back to rest. Without doing this, we run the risk of burnout. While life is short, in this sense, I think we should view it as a marathon. What good is it to run a sprint and compromise our well-being before we have a more prolonged, sustainable impact for God’s glory? These are the situations where it is an asset to know your limits and make sure you take the proper steps for self-care and spiritual nourishment. It will ensure we do not grow weary in doing right (Galatians 6:9).
There are strategic ways to overcome practically any reason I think would lead someone to avoid evangelism. For example, if you are introverted or shy, you can share the Word by inviting people to your local Church or sharing Gospel tracts. You can occasionally step out of your comfort zone to engage people as God empowers you. If you do not feel equipped with the right words, I encourage you to remember we are God’s vessels, but we do not need all the answers to share the Gospel. When someone asks you a question you cannot answer, there is no need to come up with something spontaneously. Instead, I would point out how good their question was and, if applicable, let them know that you would also be curious to figure it out for yourself.
Another general principle that persuades others is presenting a balanced message to the non-believers you encounter. For example, if we were to explain to someone that they were sinners and hammered only on that topic without talking to them about God’s love, mercy, grace, and provision, it might only push them away. Likewise, if we only spoke about God’s love, mercy, grace, and provisions but avoided elaborating on our fallen nature and our need for Jesus Christ because of our sins, it would also be a one-sided message. When we present both to them, we show them that God demands justice for the sins we have committed against Him, but we also give them the hope we find in Jesus Christ. This balanced message allows the person to understand why they need Him as Lord and Savior in the first place.
We should consider how much time we spend with the person we share our faith with. Is this a co-worker we see daily for hours and speak with them frequently at lunch breaks or during team projects? Are they someone we have only encountered a few times at a local restaurant, bookstore, or elsewhere in a scenario where we may not see them again? Could it be someone God has led us to encounter for a few short minutes on an uber ride, in an airport waiting for a flight, or even on a brief elevator ride? There’s no need to fret with anxiety because, in the end, we save no one. However, we might want to try a different approach in each of these cases. For instance, we can share our testimony at our workplace and lead by example. They might even ask us specific questions about our faith when the opportunity arises. More leeway with time allows us to maneuver more flexibly than your average evangelist encounter.
On the other hand, if the situation is more time-sensitive, such as on a bus ride, we may only have a limited time to reach out. In this case, sharing some resources for them to refer to may come in handy after your conversation ends. It could be a Christian website, your favorite ministry’s Youtube channel, or a known teacher whose doctrine you know and respect. Even in an elevator, you can plant a tiny seed by greeting someone with a smile, asking them how their day is going, listening intently, and saying: “God bless you,” or whatever God puts in your heart as you part ways. It may not seem like much but God can use anything He desires to spark a curiosity in someone to seek Him (John 6:44). The Gospel tracts are fantastic resources for those shorter encounters.
Ultimately, it is an integral part of our mission to be vessels of God (2 Timothy 2:20-21). How you do that each day depends on where God leads you and whether you are willing to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit to pursue opportunities. God has blessed each of us with unique gifts and talents. It follows that our purpose is intertwined, but we execute it in diverse ways depending on where God leads us. It is up to us to stay the course and obey His lead. Submitting to His will is always the superior choice to maximize His glory and our well-being (Romans 8:28). It helps to surround ourselves with like-minded Christians who serve alongside us and inspire us to grow in faith. These are the kinds of circumstances where we will flourish.
Finally, we cannot underestimate the value of community in our lives. It is safe to say the recent pandemic serves to solidify this reality in many of our lives as we missed face-to-face communication with much of our family and friends for many months. I enjoy quiet time and solitude a great deal, but there is only so far online communication, and FaceTime or Zoom will take you compared to seeing one another in person.
On that note, let us remember not to take even one day for granted. We do not know if this is our last day on earth or if God blesses us with several more decades to live. Our eternal salvation is secure if we have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Now it is our turn to spread the Gospel message in truth and love to as many as possible. Whether in brief instances of in-person interactions, online discussion forums or even on a blog like this one. We must consistently remind ourselves that this fleeting life we are living reflects on eternity, and we need to redeem the time for the glory of God (Ephesians 5:16-18).