Taking a position of high expectations concerning other humans is a risky endeavor. While it is inevitable to place our trust in certain loved ones, we simultaneously open the door for varying levels of disappointment when we do this. Given the fallen nature of humanity, it is only a matter of time before something does not go according to plan. It is fair to say that exercising our God-given discretion and discernment protects us from unnecessary exposure to heartbreak. Of course, this goes beyond romance, although that would be a typical application for taking this perspective into account. Likewise, I think a cynical view with non-existent expectations may set us up to experience little upside.
Nevertheless, there are risks to be taken in life that yield considerable upside by way of corresponding rewards. With that in mind, we must consider taking a leap of faith in some areas. When we don’t take any risks, we gravitate towards comfort and safety without expanding our horizons or enjoying potentially life-changing experiences.
With all this in mind, it is beautiful to recall the nature of God concerning His unchanging character, promises, and perfect track record in each of our lives. He never lets any of us down, despite our falling short of His glory numerous times. It is an extraordinary blessing to know that we can place our expectations on God’s eternal promises and take comfort in His sovereignty. It is possible to simultaneously embrace peace in the knowledge that He always stays faithful to His Word. It is only in our lack of understanding of His character, His Word, or the details that revolve around living as believers that we can feel let down. It will never be an instance where He forgot us or did not have every aspect of our lives accounted for perfectly. These situations call for us to draw closer to God rather than further away. They are a call to intimacy with God and reliance on Him to serve Him better and learn what we should draw from facing various challenges and trials.
It is never easy to face the daunting trials that this world occasionally presents us. However, when we are believers, we can choose to stay faithful to God and trust Him for each day’s portion of strength, provision, and faith to see us through until tomorrow. While we are not guaranteed an easy life in this world, we can find refuge in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He will never leave or forsake us. There will be times when we might even face issues that we could not resolve on our own, but He steps in and takes care of the gaps in our shortcomings.
Furthermore, there are many blessings that a tough season in life can provide us considering the long-term. For example, if we are struggling financially, God may be showing us how He may desire that we rely on Him for financial provision and job opportunities. If we grapple with a health issue, He could be demonstrating to us that He is capable of healing us over time or even overnight when we faithfully pray for His intervention. Perhaps we have faced the loss of a loved one, but He desires to bless us with His supernatural peace and provision in ways we never thought possible.
Numerous troubles could befall someone on this earth. Many of them do not have any easy explanation, nor are they effortless to process. However, our expectations can stay optimistic in terms of God’s plans remaining uncompromised. When a tragedy strikes, it does not imply that God forgot us or let us down. We need to stay faithful despite life’s storms because our expectations need to reside in our identity as believers, children of God, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Anything else, including other people we love dearly, can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye. However, when we know they are believers like us, we can rest assured that we will see them again in Heaven one day. This life is a breath compared to eternity, but our actions in utilizing our time here on earth echo through eternity. That stark reality ought to highlight the prominence of abiding in God and obeying His commands. If this small segment of time has eternal ramifications, it is clear we should be maximizing every moment for the glory of God.
As such, we need to get our fair share of sleep and rest but ultimately work on serving God as we are called, in every way we can. Then, there will be plenty of time to enjoy the fruits of our labor in Heaven. There is no need to overemphasize the pursuit of pleasure, fight to maintain an unrealistic level of happiness, or allow ourselves to be captivated by the ways of the world. Instead, we must remind ourselves to take up our cross daily and figure out how we will wake up to serve God and do everything as if unto Him.
Even the jobs, hobbies, or activities that may not appear to correlate directly in our minds with what we might consider ministry activities can be hidden opportunities to utilize for the glory of God. We could be playing billiards or cards and evangelize to our peers. Instead of only playing Basketball with a couple of friends from the gym, we might invite them to church or a Bible study as we socialize with them. Even if they are not initially receptive, that tiny seed you plant could have a tremendous impact on them further down the road.
Maybe you see no correlation between your job in the business sector and how you might serve God directly with it. However, you have not yet asked your co-workers about matters of the faith. Again, this might not yield immediate fruit, but you may be surprised what God might do with it. Sometimes, this may even come in the form of a divine appointment with someone on an airplane, at a bus stop, or in the cafe where you like to read or get work done.
Ultimately, God sees our hearts and motivations for what we do. Everyone can let us down, even perhaps our closest loved ones, from time to time. Therefore, we should calibrate our expectations carefully concerning other people. However, our expectancy is perfectly fit to trust God at His Word and obey it. We can expect good things to happen when we focus on living out God’s calling for our life. Again, that does not ensure smooth sailing for the rest of your life, but it does show God that you trust Him no matter what life throws at you. Let us not waver in our faith but stand steadfast and secure in God’s promises. After all, we know that things will work out for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). That includes those of us who have come to saving faith and are actively pursuing God’s will for our lives accordingly. Let that be part of the many expectancies you appreciate about God’s promises, and continue to grow that collection as you pursue understanding God through His timeless Word.